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Let's Get to Know Each Other
If you're the type of person who appreciates beautiful things and you're also into self-improvement, we'll probably get along great!
My professional background is in psychology but my heart is in design. Even as a little kid, I found comfort in creating visually appealing things. This materialized in an obsession with fashion that had me staying up late sketching designs and landed me the title of "best dressed" in my high school graduating class of over 1,100 kids. In my late twenties, I started a small fashion styling and wardrobe consulting business in an effort to find fulfillment outside my soul-sucking 9-5 corporate job (more on that in a minute).
In early adulthood, I found that an interior design bug was laying dormant within me, lurking behind my desire to help people learn the fashion principles that came so naturally to me. Growing up, I was exposed to never-ending home improvement projects as the daughter of a contractor and a mother who was deeply enthralled and naturally talented in interior design. I tell her she was a home decor "influencer" decades before the term, "influencer" entered our vocabulary. Neighbors and friends always told her she was missing her calling, and rushed home to copy her design choices and styling techniques. I used to yawn as my parents discussed the latest project they wanted to embark on over every dinner and groan as they dragged me to Home Depot for the 5th time in one week. But somehow, growing up in that environment trained my eye and instilled an appreciation and enjoyment for all things interiors. (My parents are incredibly gifted landscape designers as well but I still haven't caught that bug)
After having my first daughter, I closed the doors on my styling business much to some loyal clients' dismay but I took comfort in knowing that I'd taught them the skills to continue building their wardrobes with confidence. Attention to how I dressed and an interest in keeping up with fashion trends fell by the wayside as a new mom (can anyone relate?!) and I simply didn't have the time to devote to this side business anymore. I was still working that draining 9-5 as my primary source of income so my fun passion project had to go bye-bye.
Two years after having my second daughter, I was feeling the itch again to get back to a creative endeavor and escape the monotony and frivolousness of a corporate job. In the nine years of owning our own home, I'd been developing a deep love for interior design, studying as much as I could, applying my skills to our own renovations, assisting my Dad and husband in the demo and construction, and learning countless lessons in the process. So I decided to embark on building a virtual interior design business. While it has been fun and rewarding, it has been difficult to find the projects that truly light up my soul and allow me to express my personal design aesthetic. In fact, I'm still actively evaluating and honing it!
So here we are today. A girl with a dream to one day use her gifts and do work that lights her up FULL time. A girl who is now living in a new home with new projects and a new personal design style that she's slowly bringing to life. At this moment in time, I've decided to press pause on client projects so I can focus on our own home and do the work that sparks my creativity and ignites my passion. And I'll be sharing it all here on the blog.
Oh yeah, and what was that bit about self-improvement, right?
Well I'm a bit of a self-improvement junkie. I'm an introspective type who's always trying to figure myself out and make sense of the world around me. I've become a little woo-woo these days, but I've got manifestation stories to tell that have firmly convinced me that the law of attraction is real and that we create our own realities. So if you're into that kinda thing, you'll find some stuff here on the blog. One thing that hasn't changed about me from the moment I decided to use my creative gifts is that I want to help "put myself out of business." I love teaching people the things that come naturally to me so that they can go forth and implement those things to better their own lives.
I'd be honored if you stick around! Reach out anytime.